Frequently Asked Questions
How can we help you...?
Most of our locations are open from 6am-11pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Select locations have set hours, check out our store locator for the hours of your closest location!
We have stores located in the eastern and central regions of North Carolina. Use our store locator to find your closest The Wash House location!
We are a self-service laundromat. At this moment we are not offering dry-cleaning services.
No. At this time we do not offer any folding services.
Fill out our refund form here. We will review the form and process your refund within 2-3 business days.
To enter the $100 Selfie Challenge, take a selfie inside one of our stores and post it onto your page! Tag us @thewashhouseinc and use our hashtag #thewashhouseinc, and in the caption of the photo. We draw our winners at the end of EVERY SINGLE MONTH! Someone from our team will reach out to you to inform you that you have the challenge! Happy Selfie-ing!
Neither The Wash House Laundromats nor our employees are liable or responsible for any forgotten belongings on the premises. Please feel free to return to the store to ask the attendant on duty during business hours, but the store is not responsible for your items.
In the instance you left your clothes in a machine, and you returned and cannot locate your items: your clothes have been moved, if wet, to a dryer or, if dry, to the locked room on the premises. Ask the attendant to retrieve your items. If an attendant is not on duty, please wait until daytime hours to claim items.
We accept rolling applications all year. Fill out our job application here!
We are always looking to expand our stores to new locations. If you have or know of a commercial property for sale please fill out our Property Acquisition Form.